He eventually returned the child to his own world. Realizing this child was innocent, he took the child to raise him for good, which resulted in that timeline having Thanos be raise to resemble Punisher. He was offered to be sent to any place in time and choose to go to the day Thanos was born to kill him. The Rider eventually wound up in Valhalla of an alternate timeline but didn’t fit in. Thanos was eventually sent back in time and work to prevent this future. King Thanos sent the Rider back in time to bring the present Thanos to the future to help him defeat the Fallen One, a rogue Silver Surfer, who eventually smash the Rider. They both went to attack Thanos but Galactus was killed and Thanos made Castle his servant. Castle offer up Earth in exchange to become Galactus’s herald. Eventually an injured Galactus arrived on Earth seeking help against Thanos. He began to wonder the planet for years, where the solitude drove him crazy. However, when he return to the mortal realm, Thanos had left and ever living soul was dead. Killed, Castle was sent to hell where Mephisto offer him a chance at vengeance by turning him into the latest Ghost Rider. Introduced in Thanos Vol 2 #13 (2018) by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw, this Frank Castle comes from an alternate future where Thanos arrived on Earth and began killing everybody. How do you make the concept of the Punisher even crazier? Make him a space bike riding Ghost Rider who was the Herald of both Galactus and Thanos, apparently. Universe: ‘Thanos Wins Universe’ (Earth-TRN666), currently resides in Marvel Prime.Origin: Human bonded with a demonic Spirit of Vengeance and later augmented with the Power Cosmic by Galactus.Unusual Feature: Appearance of a flaming skeleton while transformed.Hair: White (human form) No Hair (demonic form).Eyes: Blue (human form) No Eyes (demonic form).Occupation: Adventurer former vigilante, Spirit of Vengeance, herald of Galactus, and black right-hand of the Mad King Thanos.Base of Operation: Mephisto’s Realm, Hell formerly Thanos’ palace, Earth.

Family: Maria Castle (wife, deceased) Lisa Castle (daughter, deceased) Frank Castle, Jr.AKA: The Rider, Black Queen, Cosmic Ghost Phoenix Rider, Fredo Castle, Ghost Rider, Punisher, Spirit of Vengeance.