Rewiring these circuits is possible, but it is not always practical. An advantage to the US standard is that it lends itself to adding an additional (4 way) switch, while neither of the Mexican circuits do. With the 4 way in position 1 all three switches will control the load. With 3-way 1 in the on position neither the 4-way or 3-way2 work, only 3-way 1 at 0:55. 3-way 2 has the single load wire on the common and the traveler pair on the brass. Colors are shown consistent with the NEC. On the 4 way one traveler pair on top and the other on bottom. This is far safer than the circuit marked Mexican Method #1, but it is also fairly easy to convert to the NEC standard used in the US. Here are several variations of using 3-way switches to control lights from two locations. The second common method shown below connects one side of the bulb (hopefully the screw base) to the neutral and switches the line side of the circuit (black) through a single runner (red) connected between the two switches. Slide your mouse over it to see it change state (requires Javascript enabled): Here is a typical circuit in its four possible states. Actually, you should be careful not to do this even on a simple light circuit since many light fixtures in Mexico are wired with the line side connected to the screw base. This is dangerous, so you need to use care not to touch the base of the bulb when changing it. It works just fine, but you need to be aware that there is a 50% chance that the bulb is “hot” even when it is off.
One is that both center and screw sides of the base are low (neutral) and the other is that both sides of the bulb are high (line). How to wire 3 way light switch, in this video we explain how three way switching works to connect a light fitting which is controlled with two light switches. What this also means is that there are two different conditions that leave the light bulb off. If either switch is high and the other low the light is on, but if both are high or both are low the light is off. In the following figure, the two switches connect to the two sides of the light bulb(s) and switch between the line and the neutral conductors.

In Mexico, there are two other methods commonly used. Note that the neutral is not switched and connects to the screw base of the light(s). In the US, both switches are wired to make or break the line (black) side of the light circuit using two “travelers” (red) as shown below. The US and Mexican method for wiring three-way light switches is different.